Once the water feature is installed it is important to add some flowers and shrubs around it to help it become even more natural. Adding a paver patio or walkway around the water features help make it stand out even more. A water feature is one of the best and most natural looking ways to add beauty to your home and its landscape.
Flower Garden
Flower Gardens are a beautiful addition to any home. They can help make man made structure like fences and concrete feel like they fit naturally into the landscape. When decide on where to install a flower garden it is important to think about where you will be looking at it from. Is it something that will be looked at from inside your house or just outside. When we are designing the flower garden it is a crucial aspect to take into consideration.

Flower Garden and Cedar Mulch In Oakdale MN

These flowers will grow up to hide the view of the air conditioner in Roseville MN
When Installing the new flower gardens the first step is pick out the flowers. We can help decide on what flowers to use and complete your landscape design. If you already have the plants picked out we can just install them too. If you are having a hard time deciding on what plants to use a great way to help decided is to go to a nursery and look around. This can help with the visualization of what it will look like once the garden installation is completed. Once the new flowers are installed we need to finish the rest of the flower bed. We have multiple different kinds of mulch landscaping rock and garden edging available to help bring it all together.

Mulch and Perennials in Maplewood MN

Flowers and Shrubs in Hugo MN

Splitting and Transplanting Hosta in Saint Paul MN
There are some many types of flowers and shrubs available, how do we decided on what to use?
We can work with you to design a garden that fits the look you are targeting but also functions by using the correct plants for the condition. We use software the searches thousands of plants to find one that perfectly fits your gardens conditions. Some of the basic conditions we consider is the amount of sun or shade, how wet the soil is and how big the plants can be.
We can install native grasses and flowers if your goal is to use plants native to Minnesota. Another option is to use a combination of the native grasses, flowers and shrubs as well as plants from the greater mid west area so we have even more options to pick from. There are so many options to pick from, we will work with you to create your dream landscape design for your flower garden then install everything so you can enjoy the new gardens beauty.
Contact Us Now To Get New Flower Gardens